Sunday, June 19, 2016

Summer: On Schedule, Stand By...


It feels like an entire season has come and gone since
 I last posted. My beloved Spring, gleaming with hope and
 light and glory, finally did arrive, in all its budding beauty.

Suddenly, city streets sprouting pretty, pastel petals  
made once barren pathways to work happily bearable!

I recall the almond blossoms,
scattered across the Cretan countryside, 
fragrant confetti, dotting the meadows
with scented cheer, and I long for the day
to wander amid such a paradise, again.

 Until then, Summer is scheduled to arrive on time, 
here in southern Ontario, tomorrow, Monday, June 20, 
2016. As such, Spring has ensured that its successor
 be made to feel welcome, and thus, has already 
seen to hot, smouldering, temps  -  a show of
utmost warmth and hospitality, wouldn't you say?

 “For behold, the winter is past; 
the rain is over and gone. 
The flowers appear on the earth, 
the time of singing has come, 
 ...Song of Solomon 2:11-12

Wishing you all 

a Happy Summer,



All images except first & second: Google