If you could really meet up with any of your
bloggy friends, face-to-face, i.e., in the flesh,
and not virtually, via FaceTime or Skype,
who would they be?

In my two and a half years of blogging, I have had the pleasure of getting to know some of the sweetest, most thoughtful individuals in this great big blogosphere, women who have been there for me in those moments of sadness or worry, as well as in times of joy and hope.

Although we've never shared
a muffin, or a pot of tea,
(as girlfriends tend to do),
we have shared many spicy secrets
and plenty piquant points of view!

I continue to be both grateful and amazed by the complete sense of trust between us, even though we've never shaken hands on anything or given each other our word - it's something that's simply understood.

despite time differences
due to zany zones,
we always feel
we're in the comfort
of each other's homes.
Thanks for lending an ear,
and for drying up tears,
and for steering me
away from the clouds.
Soon, I was smiling,
then, you had me giggling,
and before I knew it,
I was laughing out loud!
Dedicated to:
Nora's Mimi,
Zeke's Mama, and
the Fisherman's Wife
Thanks for visiting,
and Happy Weekend.
All images: Google
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Well, you surely would be on my list, Poppy! I was half-tempted to hop on a plane to Toronto when you were in Canada! It's true, though, what you say. How can it be that we can feel so close...real friendship...with people we've never met? It's a wonderful thing, this blogging world! Have a great weekend! (PS - love all of the art that you showed!)
ReplyDeletewow, tolle motive!!! liebe grüße von angie aus deutschland
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. Blogging friends are the best. I was able to meet with one a couple of years ago and it was a great visit.
ReplyDeleteI agree, too! We've been able to expand our number of girlfriends through blogging and it's SUCH FUN! I'm so happy to visit you and see what's new. It makes my day happy! Sweet hugs, Diane
ReplyDeleteIt is funny you mentioned meeting a blogging friend in real life! I just had a wonderful blogging friend visit my new home, in the flesh! I live so much closer to her now. It was a lot of fun. And we get along beautifully too. I had met her before, just so you know that I didn't invite some random blogger to my house. But I wonder if I met a blogging friend with whom I feel a true friendship but then it wasn't quite the same thing in person. It is pretty incredible that you can make friends all over the world and close to home as well.
ReplyDeleteLove the paintings and the post!I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments, Poppy. I honestly never thought about the relationships that I could/ would form in this land of blogging. It never, ever entered my mind. Now 18 months in, some of my most meaningful interactions and daily conversations are with ladies I have never set eyes upon or met in person...present company included, of course! What a lovely surprise! Enjoy the weekend, my friend!
ReplyDeleteIt is nice meeting blogging pals face to face and I have met many and one is a bff now.
ReplyDeleteThat art is pure joy! Love it, and I love you, and all that you offer of yourself to all of us out here in blogland. You are a gift to anyone who is blessed to know you!
ReplyDeleteDearest Poppy, your words, as always, express so much of what is in my heart but in such lovely, lovely prose, and the artwork you've used in this special post is symbolic of those conversations we've had where we share joys and worries, giggles and tears. Here's to friends who meet in person and to those who may never outside of the wonders of this technical world! Sometimes it seems the same, and isn't that truly a blessing?
ReplyDeleteWell now you went and done it. You made me all Kerplempt! But in a good way :).
ReplyDeleteI want to jump in that second picture with you! That's me on the right. She looks older, and even though I look silly in hats, I love them.
(And would SOMEONE please tell Dewena that her prose is unbelievably lovely too!!)
Poppy I love the colorful paintings in your blog post, and yes, we have all gained a few or many new true friends in blogland and Facebook. Friends we would never have met in person; some of them live in faraway countries.
ReplyDeleteIt would be so much fun to have tea with you! You seem like a kindred spirit who enjoys beauty and laughter. Blogging is a great way to get to know people.
ReplyDeleteLA AMISTAD, al igual que tus PINTURAS, es lo que da COLOR a la VIDA!!!
ReplyDeleteGracias amiga, disfruta del fin de semana :)))
What a lovely post to carry into the weekend with me! I do care about the people I've met in blogland and can't imagine life without them, just the same as with my real life girlfriends. It's a wonderful thing to be able to virtually experience a bit of life from all around the world. It enriches my life. I was drinking tea while I read this post so I guess we can say we had a tea and a chat together today.
ReplyDeleteWhat a tender tribute to your dear blogfriends, Poppy!!
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are so lovely!
I wish you a nice weekend!
Poppy, what a sweet post! Your blogging friends are lucky to have you... I think it would be fun to have tea with you too.. I appreciate all the new friends I have made thru blogging and wish I could meet them in person.. We should have a convention..Have a happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteBlogging friends make the best friends! Poppy, thank you for opening the door to your heart through writing and sharing colors! You reached out to me when my sons moved across country and helped me through a rough patch. I will never forget it! Thank you dear Poppy!
ReplyDeleteI haven't - that I am aware! - met any bloggers in real life, but I do enjoy meeting them virtually, and you are one of them! xx
ReplyDeleteI have met up with several of my blogging friends. It is the best ever! We already know what we have in common and we know what each other likes! I am visiting from Natasha's, but I am already in love with your blog! I am a new follower!!
ReplyDeletePoppy, this really hit the spot! You are right, Blogging allows us to meet very special people and their heartfelt support helps us to go through difficult times but also let us share the beauty of this world!
You found such lovely paintings for this wonderful post Poppy. It is so true that blogging makes the best friends and you made a real tribute to them, I enjoyed reading it and am glad to have so many virtual friends to share our lives with.
ReplyDeleteWish you a Happy Sunday at Crete!
I love the fact that thanks to blogging I have "friends" all over the world. Now hearing the news on TV isn't as impersonal: when they say there's a problem here or there, chances that I know a blogger who live there and I think of him or her!
ReplyDeleteI agree! Funny, I feel that some of my fellow bloggers know more about my world of antiques, design and gardening than friends and family. I guess it's our shared interests. Cheers
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I've met a few blogging friends in person - and I would certainly love to meet you one day! If you're ever in Chicago.... :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post Poppy. It's nice to know that we made friends through blogland. We get updated with what's happening with their lives more than our friends that are living close by. I think writing and expressing ourselves through our posts are easier than actually driving and meeting up with a friend to have a whinge.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am so glad to have found your blog, coz you inspire me a lot.
Have a good weekend my dear friend.
You've beautifully captured the world of blogosphere friends. I've often told Joel that many of you 'know me' and understand me better than long-time face-to-face friends do. I've found that my circle of personal friends (in the flesh), and big sigh, family, spend very little time following our blog. . .their excuse is always a lack of time. I suspect it is really lack of interest. So that makes my blogosphere friends that much more special to me!! Hopefully one of these days we will meet~ Hugs, Jackie
ReplyDeleteThis is such a sweet post, Poppy.I really like your paintings.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. My blog started after our senior English class by our local university ended 4 years ago. The students' blogs in our class were used to submit homework to our teacher. After the class ended, our teacher recommended us to keep blogging as our own blog not home work.
It was a struggling thing for the beginner English students though. I had not expected that I would begin blogging when I took place the English class. Now I appreciate our teacher. My world is expanding through blogging!I met lovely blogger friends in person. One is from India the other from England. (*^_^*)Have a good day.
You really hit the nail on the head. So many are such wonderful blogging friends and if I could meet them in person that would be terrific. I have two that I know in person and they are delightful. I feel so close to quite a few and know that I could tell them anything and ask for advice. Sometime you just feel like you have known the forever.
ReplyDeleteLove the photos....
To prawda, dzięki blogowaniu poznajemy ludzi i zaprzyjażniamy się, miło jest znać Ciebie Poppy:) Obrazy piękne:)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed all of these amazing images! :)
ReplyDeletePoppy, I am sure, as evidenced by all the comments before mine, that you have many more friends than you know! I have never met any of my blogging friends but hope to some day. Thanks for the post, it's very heartwarming and uplifting!
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing that you could find friends in blogosphere, when every one is busy focusing on getting more hits and readers. That is what blogging is about for me. It's not business. It doesn't earn me my bread & butter but it provides happiness and cheers :)
ReplyDeleteAnd those pictures are amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Sweet Poppy, you express my thoughts and feelings and how wonderful selection of pictures. I enjoy your writing and generosity, so sweet...
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post Poppy.I'm so glad that I came across your blog.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures, beautiful: so colourful and cheerful.xx
I so love my blogger friends. There are so many I've never met, but yes, I too love them dearly. Thanks for sharing! Also wanted to let you know about a new linky party starting this Saturday at 8pm called “Found & Foraged” Can't wait to party with you at http://www.houseofhipsters.com
ReplyDeleteLovely sentiment and art expressed in your post, Poppy. The best part of blogging is the friends I've made all over the world. It's been such an amazing gift that, quite honestly, I never expected when I hit the publish button on my first post. Now I can't imagine life without these wonderful, creative women who inspire me, encourage me, and bring so much joy into my life. I haven't met even one yet. I can hope, though. :) Hugs, Nancy
ReplyDeleteWell said. Wonderful art -- any of these yours? I used to wonder how or if I could really become friends with anyone I "met" blogging. Yes, you can. I wish I could meet more. I used to wonder how, back in the olden days when people "courted" via snail mail, how they could fall in love that way, but they did. People stayed married during long wars that way, too. I think making friends via blogs kind of works that way, too. If you are ever in Alabama -- please let me know!
ReplyDeleteBlogging friends are the best....such beautiful flowers as always. A very pretty and sentimental post!
ReplyDeleteDear Poppy, this is such a wonderful post and the art is lovely! I have "met" some very nice people through blogging and I am grateful for this.
ReplyDeleteWell Poppy, I am thinking that you would surely guess that at the top of my favorite blogging people list would include you. You are one of the dearest people, and your love of life, of words, and photography along with everything else you share, I cannot help but adore you. I feel the same way, as in sharing a life with one another, we may never get to hug, share a spot of tea with one another, and yet we are able to do life together and I am forever grateful to that day, when we became fellow bloggers and then we became friends~
ReplyDeletePeople do come across so strongly in their blogs and I think you soon get a good idea of who they are and who you would choose as friends. You are such a lovely person Poppy, so warm and supportive of others and put out so much positive energy - who could fail to respond to that? I have really enjoyed reading bits and pieces of your blog and always appreciate your thoughtful comments on mine and I would certainly be delighted to meet you one of these days!
ReplyDeleteHi Poppy :) Very cool and warm wrote. Fantastic images that match the words. I'm glad that I could meet you :) Pozdrawiam ciepło :)
ReplyDeletePoppy, your post is really sweet. Friendships made through Blogland are simply wonderful. When you were in Toronto a few months ago, I was so wishing I could have joined you and Judith and the others. What a lovely time you all had! Love the paintings in your post and they really do convey the closeness between girlfriends. Thanks for your visit. It's lovely to have you pop by.
Hello Poppy,
ReplyDeleteThe tribute to your blogging friends is heart warming. I am going to be rushing over to read their blogs. I would dearly love to meet several bloggers. To date I have met only one and it was highly successful.
You are a gifted writer Poppy and I love coming here to see how your life is going.
Thank you so very kindly for your long comment today and for sharing how you came to be living in Crete.
Helen xxxx
What an interesting post...yes, who would you like to meet?! There are so many lovely and interesting people you "meet" through the blogging!
ReplyDeleteHave a happy week, take care...
Why, all of them, of course! :O) Blogland is a special place, and it never ceases to amaze me how supportive readers are and the kindness that prevails. But then I do have comment moderation on. :O) I like what you're saying here, Poppy, and in rhyme! The paintings are great, too. So interested in art these days (in my "old" age). Blog posts remind me of receiving newsy letters almost every day, just like the Victorians. Blessings, Bess
ReplyDeleteOne of the biggest surprises to me when I first started blogging was all the wonderful women in blogland. I didn't expect really to be meeting people; I just thought I'd be writing by myself. And even though I technically am by myself, it doesn't feel that way at all. I have sometimes wished I had lots and lots of money and could send airline tickets to everyone and have a big blog party. Wouldn't that be fun?
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet and sentimental post! I have met some wonderful women too that have been a blessing in my life. Thank you for sharing this Poppy!
ReplyDeleteI also like your new cover photo, absolutely darling :)
I agree with Lavender Dreamer when she wrote that having blogging friends lets us expand our number of girlfriends. This way we have friends in far-away places and at home. It's lovely. I'm your new follower, Poppy. Deb (Ontario, Canada)
ReplyDeleteLove your selection of girlfriend paintings!! The first one explodes with colors!! I have met a couple of local bloggers here in Atlanta and they are as wonderful in person as they are in their blog. You really get to know a person when you read about their life and surroundings and their thoughts for any length of time!! I would enjoy meeting you Poppy in Greece!! But at this age and time, probably won't make it back to Greece!! But if you're ever over this way - let me know and I'd love to meet you for coffee and tea!!
ReplyDeleteI am frequently comforted by my blog friends when things are not going as well as I would wish in my life. We have long ongoing conversations via email often with ten or more threads back and forth. Wonderful ladies that I would not have ever known if it weren't for blogging. I love them as dearly as if we had grown up together. I would picture myself as one of the little girls in the hats arm in arm as children walking together and enjoying the beautiful gardens. Blogging has been a blessing for me, an opportunity to know people with the same interests and hobbies as myself, it has been a wonderful experience.
ReplyDeleteI would love to travel and meet these wonderful people. Maybe someday. I do know that if I ever travel to Greece I would love to meet you and share a cup of coffee or tea. Maybe even drive around the countryside to see your beautiful corner of the world in person.
I would dearly love to meet up with my blogging friends on a regular basis, especially as I'm such a lazy writer it would be much easier for me to chat face to face !
ReplyDeleteSeriously, it would be lovely as we'd have so much in common and I'd really like to see the smiles on everyone's faces and to hear and feel the laughter instead of writing lol all the time.
Poppy, your post is really cute and heart felt. I enjoyed all the images of friends sharing tea together. Somehow we blogging friends really do connect with others and sometimes we actually do get to meet as you did when you flew home to Toronto a while ago. I wish I could have joined you all. Thank you for sharing your heart and joining me for Tea Time today.
You expressed the perfect sentiments in your lovely post, Poppy, along with such beautiful images. Yes, blogging certainly broadens our friendships, inspires us and enlivens our hearts. Hugs are sent to you!
ReplyDeleteHey Poppy...
ReplyDeleteFabulous post and really true... My blog Friends are the best friends I've ever had and I've never met them personally ..IMAGINE !!!.. You have described it so eloguently and brought them even closer to my heart through your beautiful pictures and words...Thank You ...Hugs