Friday, July 25, 2014

Fraternal Florals

They're here...
And they're absolutely adorable!


They arrived a little after 7 am, yesterday 
morning, after a long and difficult labour.

Mother and babies are all doing fine,
getting plenty of rest and nourishment.


Born not too far apart, (in flower time),

 from their slightly older siblings, they are not identical;

their leaves and and blooms are different in shape,


but the same brilliant colourS run through their veins!

Visiting hours are from 9am to 9pm, when 
the Purslane are wide awake, and playful.

But what's this?
It seems the stork has left 
yet another basket on my balcony
of a pretty and precious Portulaca family!

Thanks for visiting 
and have a happy weekend!
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  1. Poppy - Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! Especially against that gorgeous blue sky!


  2. Hello Poppy, Congratulations! Your babies are beautiful!
    It's so nice to visit . . . it has been a while and i've really been missing out.
    Now I'm going to view some of the posts that i've missed.
    Have a lovely day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  3. They are such beautiful colours and look stunning against the blue sky!! xx

  4. Oh I miss the blue skies over Greece!!! We've had unseasonably warm/hot weather in the Pacific Northwest until the day we returned: for two days it has poured down rain and the sky is slate gray - way too depressing. If I wasn't jetlagged from Greece, I'd think about hopping a plane back!

  5. They are beautiful and the perfect flower for your beautiful home.

  6. Poppy what lovely flowers. The colors are just wonderful, they make me smile. A beautiful delivery from the stork, lol! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. GLORIOUS, Amapola!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= <3 > < } } (°>

  8. They are all the colors of the perfect for your beautiful home! Enjoy your day my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. Too cute! Lovely & brilliant, wonderful flowers!

  10. Congrats Mom! Your babies are SOOOO colorful, happy and healthy. Good job nourishing them before they were born.

  11. Oh Poppy, what beautiful colors - they look terrific against your blue sky.
    Have a great weekend.

  12. Portulaka jest i u nas, jest piękna i kolorowa:)

  13. Oh how beautiful Poppy. So sweet, so colourful against the most majestic backdrop of them all. Looks like you've been getting some good rain. Swoon!
    Hope you have a good weekend dear.


    1. Hi Aida,

      Rain? Ha! It hasn't poured a drop since the first week of May! The only water the flowers of Crete have had has come from a tap! That's not to say that we wouldn't welcome a refreshing shower, though - but alas, the gods are stingy with their effervescent elixir!

      Happy weekend, my friend!


  14. Congrats on the stunning new arrivals Poppy - I love portulacas and forgot to plant any this year. Perhaps for the best though as we've had so much rain - last night another terrific storm dumped 2.5 inches on us and half the back garden ended up in the front, running down the driveway! We were just discussing how green our lawn is for end of July - usually browned out by now with the dry heat we are accustomed to here in the southeast. Well, at least I don't have to drag the hoses around for a few days - but the temps. will be back in the 90's this weekend.

    Enjoy your sunny spot - it's so lovely there but I can imagine a little shower would be welcome by now!
    Happy weekend - Mary

  15. Hi Poppy. How is your summer going? I love Portulaca flowers as they are so bright and colourful. What a sweet announcement of their arrival. :) Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Pam

  16. What a lovely presentation of the newly born portulacas, dear Poppy!!!!!
    They are so beautiful! Enjoy them!!!
    I wish you a nice weekend!!!

  17. So beautiful your presentation of the Portulacas. I think I have to sow them again next year, in the past I had them for years until I stopped with the Portulacas to sow other flowers. Love them very much!

  18. Oh such bright and beautiful colours perfectly fitting against the clear blue of your sky. Enjoy them all. Happy weekend, Poppy.

  19. Purslane? I've never heard of them, or of Portulaca. As daughter and wife of nurserymen I'm ashamed to admit that. Now I'll have to get out my old Wise garden book and see what it says. I know, the internet is available but I still love my old Wise. I wonder if they grow in Tennessee? Or last long enough here to be worth it? But for beautiful babies like yours, Poppy, I'd be willing to risk it.

    1. Hello Dewena! Hope you're well!

      I believe Portulaca would do just fine in your neck of the woods. I've seen them in nurseries here in the northeast so that should tell you something.

      Have a wonderful summer!

  20. beautiful and a wonderful view all around :) enjoy the weekend! Marisa

  21. Congratulation on your new arrival
    they are simply gorgeous!
    Xo Marissa

  22. GORGEOUS! I love, love, love portulaca rose! Simply beautiful!

  23. Congrats!! Flowers are our babies...aren't they?

  24. Spectacular, Poppy! What lovely additions to your family! The stork photo made me smile, and every photo looks like a postcard!

  25. Poppy, aqui chamamos essas plantinhas de onze horas, devido o horário em que elas desabrocham

    Você teve muita sensibilidade ao captar tanta beleza.


    beijinhos, tenha um lindo domingo,

    Lígia e =^.^=

  26. Brilliant, you are brilliant and I am so for always thankful that somehow my good fortune was blessed in coming across you and your blog. I love this, yes I do! So creative you are. I wish the new arrivals a very long and cherished life and cannot wait to see the newest family members. Hugs for a great week ahead~

  27. Hi Poppy - What a cute post. I love those flowers and have some in my garden this year. They add so much colour. Your blog is very pretty. I'll be by again. Deb (fellow Canadian)

  28. The vibrancy and clarity of these adorable flowers are unsurpassed Poppy!

    It's funny, but since the pictures took a while to load, I had no choice but to read a bit before seeing a visual. You had me going there for a moment ;).

  29. Good Morning Poppy, I hope mother and babies are doing well after their long delivery. Portulacus are beautiful flowers.... so bright and vibrant and the backdrop of the sea and blue sky is so very beautiful.
    We are enjoying blue skies at the moment, here in England, and it is so lovely to enjoy warm sunshine.
    Have a lovely day today.
    Best Wishes

  30. Poppy, these are so pretty and bright. Enough to brighten anyone's day!

  31. How much fun to have these bright beauties to enjoy! I have pinned several of your gorgeous photos for future paintings!

  32. Brilliant in story, color, and photos. I love our visits.
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

  33. They've popped out to see that wonderful view !!

  34. Beautiful arrival of flowers, shared in such a cute way! Thanks for linking this up to the Art of Home-Making Mondays Poppy! I also peaked around here and listened to your recording. You have a lovely voice!

  35. So cute Poppy! Love Portulaca, such pretty blooms and they do well in hot weather. Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  36. Hi Poppy,
    I love both purslane and portulaca and have them growing here in Texas. Their little faces are so cheerful and yours look beautiful in your window boxes and against your blue sky!

  37. Oh, FUN! I love these. So pretty and bright. Love your flower boxes.
    Thank you for sharing for Fresh-Cut Friday! :) Have a great week.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate hearing from all of you! Have a great day!